Dundracon Dealer Room Submission form Fill out this form and send it to: Dealers@Dundracon.com Company Name: Contact Name: E-mail: Postal Address: Street: City: State: Zip Code: Phone: Type of Merchandise: Company Website: If you wish you may send a company logo or banner to use on our website and in the convention book to: Webmaster@dundracon.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table Preferences Number of tables: Preferred table(s): Dealer's Room Map A/V needs (Electricity, Phone Lines, Wired/Wireless Internet, etc. Additional expenses may be charged): Special Requests: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please include the following information for each badge requested: Name: Badge Name: Type of Membership: [Full Membership] [Dealer Room Only] E-mail: Postal Address: Street: City: State: Zip Code: Emergency Phone: Cell Phone: