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DDC 48
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Kid's Room
War College
Fighting Demonstrations
Figure Painting
Pathfinder Society
Open Gaming  

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Sell your old games at the Monday Bazaar
Dump your old games on the Freecycle Table
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Gaming Clubs

Just because DunDraCon only happens once a year, that doesn't mean your gaming experience can't happen year round! We encourage you to look into these fine clubs.

If you know of a club that we don't have listed, or a change in one we do, please let us know! You can send a note to: our webmaster or fill out our Club form

Bay Area Wargamers YahooGroup

You are invited to participate in a new electronic discussion focused on all aspects of miniature wargaming. Our group is a loose collection of local bay area wargamers, dedicated to sharing practical experience and information on wargaming events around the bay. We also offer directories designed to put you in touch with others interested in similar periods or rule sets, as well as directories to post items for sale or trade.

Web: groups.yahoo.com/group/bayareawargamers

Contra Costa County Wargamers

Contra Costa County Wargamers

You're invited!; A successful game club is always seeking new members. So if you enjoy Strategy games join us Free today!

Web: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/Axisandalliescontraco

Mighty Meeples

Where: Tracy Branch Library, Tracy
Web: www.facebook.com/themightymeeples95376
Schedule: twice a month

Miniature Wargaming Society of Sacramento

The Miniature Wargaming Society of Sacramento has been around since 1986, formerly as the Sacramento Area Gaming Association. The club encourages, allows and supports all types of gaming from miniatures to boardgaming and roleplaying. Our current focus is on miniature wargaming in both historical and non-historical games. We also have boardgaming that takes place as well. Examples of games that have been run in the past include; The Battle of Princeton (American War of Independence), Fight for the Kokoda Trail (WWII), Hordes of the Things (fantasy miniatures), Nottingham (Eurogame) and Junktown (Savage Worlds Fantasy/SF game).

There are no dues, the only membership requirements are to show up , behave with courtesy and have a good time. We meet in various libraries throughout the Sacramento Area. The best way to find out about the meeting dates and times is to subscribe to the M W S yahoo group.

Contact: mikeobriensac@hotmail.com
Web: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/M_W_S/

North Bay Gamers

Web: www.northbaygamers.org/

North Bay Gaming Group, Cotati

Contact: ron_acw62@yahoo.com
Web: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/nbggcotatica/

Sacramento Historical Miniatures Wargaming Club

Sacramento Historical Miniatures Wargaming Club (SHMWClub) is located in the Sacramento area of Northern California. Its primary purpose is historical wargaming with miniature figures and terrain. SHMWClub games are based on historical and/or historical hypothetical what if settings. Miniatures currently include land, sea, and air battles (as applicable) over a wide range of periods from ancients to modern day.
Where: Sacramento area
Contact: mwrnr@comcast.net
Web: https://groups.io/g/SHMWClub
Schedule: Once a month gaming

SF Games

Welcome to SF Games!

New? Don't worry - we teach all games.

Includes Fridays at Muddy's Coffeehouse, and Sundays at the Zephyr Cafe.
Where: Depends - Check Website, San Francisco
Web: www.sfgames.org
Schedule: Depends - Check Website

The South Bay Game Club

The South Bay Game Club

The South Bay Gaming Club (SBGC) is a loose association of friends, acquaintances, and guests playing miniature wargames in the southern San Francisco Bay area. Members are military history buffs and generally play historical miniatures wargames, although sometimes science-fiction, fantasy, and board games are played also. Land, naval, and air wargames are played and some games are a mix of the genres.
Where: Game Kastle - Santa Clara, Santa Clara
Web: http://sbgc.groups.io
Schedule: Meets one Saturday a month

Tracy Gamers Club

Board Games, Role Playing, Card Games, Casual Gaming, War Games and Miniatures. Pick your pleasure. We are looking for adult gamers and are family friendly.
Where: Central Valley, Tracy
Web: https://fb.com/tracygamers