DDC Memorial Freecycle Table
DunDraCon is continuing the Memorial Game and Game Component Freecycling Table. This is on a table in the hallway outside California Salon 1.
Anyone may place unwanted but usable games and game components there, free for the taking by anyone else. Junk, antique, or collectible—it’s all in the eye of the beholder, so this is your chance to dispose of an unloved or superseded gaming item that someone else might cherish, subject to the limitations listed below.
By leaving any item on the table, you relinquish ownership of it, and may not dispute its appropriation by anyone else. DunDraCon’s staff members will periodically police the table, and reserve the right to remove any item or items and dispose of them for any reason.
Please do not leave any of the following; DunDraCon will dispose of these items forthwith:
- Food or food-like substances.
- Liquids, powders, or aerosols, including hobby paints, solvents, fillers, or glues.
- Other toxic or dangerous materials, such as moldy game components, anything that smells of second-hand smoke, broken items with sharp edges, or weapons.
- Books, magazines, comics, CDs, DVDs, tapes, or other materials not related directly to playing games.
- Pets, including dragons who may or may not have been paper-trained.
In Memoriam
Clint Bigglestone, Steve Henderson, Dorothy Heydt, Jerry Jacks, Terry Jackson, Mike Nebeker, Steve Perrin.