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DDC 48
Date and Hours of Operation
Hotel Information
Restaurant Menus

Helpful Hints
RPG Tips
Harassment Policy

List of Events
Games Registration
Games Registration Results
Games Registration
Event Errata
Index by Game System
Index by Game Master
Current Program Book
Parental Advisory
DDC Game Policies
Safety Tools
Session Zero

Special Events
Protospiel at DDC
Larry Ditillio Game Library
Kid's Room
War College
Fighting Demonstrations
Figure Painting
Pathfinder Society
Open Gaming  

Buy and Sell
Dealers at DunDraCon
DDC Merchandise
Sell your stuff at our Sunday Auction
Sell your old games at the Monday Bazaar
Dump your old games on the Freecycle Table
Help Out!
Cover DunDraCon for your Paper, Blog or Podcast
Unofficial Gaming
Request a Game
Requested Games
Reserve a Miniatures Table
Open Gaming  
Help a friend
Ride/Room Share
Blood Drive

DDC Memorial Freecycle Table

DunDraCon is continuing the Memorial Game and Game Component Freecycling Table. This is on a table in the hallway outside California Salon 1.

Anyone may place unwanted but usable games and game components there, free for the taking by anyone else. Junk, antique, or collectible—it’s all in the eye of the beholder, so this is your chance to dispose of an unloved or superseded gaming item that someone else might cherish, subject to the limitations listed below.

By leaving any item on the table, you relinquish ownership of it, and may not dispute its appropriation by anyone else. DunDraCon’s staff members will periodically police the table, and reserve the right to remove any item or items and dispose of them for any reason.

Please do not leave any of the following; DunDraCon will dispose of these items forthwith:

In Memoriam

Clint Bigglestone, Steve Henderson, Dorothy Heydt, Jerry Jacks, Terry Jackson, Mike Nebeker, Steve Perrin.