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DDC 48
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Gamemaster Index

Chris Akers

642 Axis & Allies 1914; Axis & Allies

Norm Albert

313 An Ordinary Hunting Expedition; Planet of the Apes Magnetic Press Play

Alan Alexander

201 Something Paranoia Something; Paranoia
702 Escape from the House of Velasco; Modified World of Darkness

Erik Alfkin

503 Reality Quakes; FATE Accelerated
801 Into the Uncharted Nebula; FATE Accelerated

Rob Allard

771 Down the Rabbit Hole; L.A.R.P.S. System

Ed Allen

P57 Red Coats on the Red Planet; Xenos Rampant
651 The Liftwood Gambit; Pulp Alley 2nd

Rebecca Allen

850 Cthulhu Wars w/Expansions; Cthulhu Wars

Frank Alonso

307 The Eye of the Lost; Shadowdark 1st

Frank J. Alonso

545 Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Board Game; Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Board Game 1st
645 Lords of Waterdeep; Lords of Waterdeep 1st

Dovi Anderson

P50 X-Wing Miniatures: The Battle of Taanab; X-Wing Miniatures 2.5 Co-op

Mark Anderson

240 Diplomacy; Diplomacy
781 Doomfyre; Crown & Skull Vol 1 & 2

Robert L Anderson

320 The Last Voice of Reason; Pathfinder 1st
518 The Undying Swamps; D&D 5e (2024)
810 Ruins of Torak-nor; D&D 5e (2024)

Steve Anderson

510 Lightless Beacon; Call of Cthulhu 7th

Randy Angle

709 Wylde Jaeger at Castle Brakmuck; PlunderQuest

Andrew Aragon

547 Xia: Legends of a Drift System; Sandbox

Mark Bachofer

711 The Tallest Tail; Neon Knights (Homebrew D6 fail-forward system)

Paul Banda

230 MtG: Archenemy Cube Commander; Magic: the Gathering
531 Embrace Modernity - Grand Melee!; Magic: the Gathering

Peter Bauer

P54 Breaching the Mannerheim line; Spearhead
316 40 years after the fall; Traveller Mongoose
550 Fabian Raid; Starguard 1st

Lisa Smith Beasley

116 Interns in the Dark; Blades in the Dark (modified) 1st
509 Where Can She Be?; D&D 5e

Mary Beene

110 Pilgrim's Journey; D&D 5e

Joseph Benkual

507 Death Troopers; Star Wars Edge of the Empire

Bob Bergman

254 1798 Battle of the Nile (hypothetical) - Napoleonic War naval game; "Form on the Admiral's Wake" (modified by GM)
356 1798 Battle of the Nile (hypothetical) - Napoleonic War naval game; Form on the Admiral's Wake (modified by GM)

Gregory Betchart

852 The Witcher the Old World; Witcher the Old World 1st

Katie Betchart

844 Distilled; Paverson Games - Distilled 1st

Dylan Blair

606 Sumer Prime: Poor Things; D&D 5e 2024

D D Blake

525 Flesh and Blood and Bones; Blade Runner RPG

Daniel Bodon

P47 Age of Renaissance; Age of Renaissance 1996

Jeff Boles

P14 A Familiar's Quandry; D&D 5e
620 The Deck of Many Things; D&D 5e

Mark Bolt

311 Caravan to Chaos; D&D 5e

Dave Brubeck

P81 Interdimensional Ketchup; Battlestations 2nd

Helen Brubeck

P86 Harry Potter 5 Years After Voldemort; D&D 5e (2024)
527 Harry Potter 6 Years After Voldemort; D&D 5e (2024)

Chris Bruno

102 Between a rock and a hard place; D&D 3.5e

Wayne Buschmeyer

601 Eberron: Murder on the Orien Express; (HomeBrew) CORE: Comprehensive Open Roleplay Engin

Marty Caplan

107 Family is Forever; D&D 5e (2024)

John Carnahan

P60 Come out Fighting; Band of Brothers in Miniature

Jason Carpenter

P82 Owlbears Tend Not To Run in Packs?; Pathfinder 1st

Stephanie Carter

203 DRAGONLANCE: Dragons of Autumn; D&D 5e
504 The Gates of Disorder; D&D 5e
812 Xonthal's Labyrinth; D&D 5e

John Castillo

772 Whisked Away: The Making of a Baking Mystery; Social Deduction / Mystery Solving

Clif Castle

P58 Samurai Skirmish; Test of Honour
253 Samurai Skirmish; Test of Honour

Laura-Ann Charlot

P17 Whodunnnit!; D&D 5e

Matthew Chasm

243 Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition; Twilight Imperium 3rd

Les Child

217 Victims of the Fury; Advanced D&D 1st
816 Partying at Club Dead; Advanced D&D 1st

Brian Chumney

207 The Adventure of the Sword Tournament; Pendragon 6th
626 The Adventure of the Sword Tournament; Pendragon 6th

Reese Clawson

P09 Lancer: Succor or Suckers; Lancer
215 Fabula Ultima: Your world your story; Fabula Ultima

Derek Cochran

302 A Non Prophet Disorganization: Turn it up to Elven!; D&D 5e 2024

Michael Cochran

314 So You've Long Dreamed About Somehow Getting Off-Planet; Stars Without Number Revised ( 2017)

Patrick Coleman

544 Zombicide: Army of the Dead; Zombicide Army of the Dead

Ron Correll-Feichtner

806 Gang War - Sunnydale Style; Buffy the Vampire Slayer Eden Studios-Unisystem

Thomas Crawford

441 Horrified; Horrified 1st
740 Alien - Fate of the Nostromo; Alien - Fate of the Nostromo 1st

Doc Cross

122 The Great Foogle Hunt; TOON Deluxe+Supplements
417 A Night At Kreep Manor; TOON Deluxe+Supplements

Brian C. Culcasi

245 ZOMBICIDE: Night of the Living Dead; Zombies! 2021

Mark Cumming

224 So this is how it ends; D&D 5e

Bob Dailey


Wiliam Dash

DropIn Hero Kids - Enter the Plushi-Verse; Hero Kids
DropIn Kids Game Day; various

Ken Davis

643 The Succession Wars; Battletech board game (not minis) 1st

Markus De Shon

713 Troika: Slate and Chalcedony; Troika!

Matthew Decker

106 Treasure Hunters Guild: Caves of Kalarax; D&D 5e 2024
707 Treasure Hunters Guild: Caves of Kalarax; D&D 5e (2024)

Anthony DeMaria

231 Illuminati by Steve Jackson; Illuminati
532 Illuminati by Steve Jackson; Illuminati

Steven Drouin

513 The Great San Rafael Bank Heist; Call of Cthulhu
715 Disney at Dark; Trail of Cthulhu (Gumshoe)

Paul Echeverri

524 Fire, Silver, and Darkness; Blades in the Dark 1st

Heather Eckman

519 Super Powereds: The Wedding of Alice Adair; BASH! Basic Action Super Heroes

Adi Elkin

DropIn Lost and Found; Magical Kitties Save The Day!

Todd Evans

115 Escape from Disneyland; Savage Worlds

Alex Fabros


Wayne Fisher

P53 X-Wing Mario Kart; Star Wars Miniatures 1st
650 X-Wing Mario Kart; Star Wars Miniatures 1st

Scott Flowers

DropIn Shizarky; AD&D

Thomas Foti

209 Boring Caravan Duty; Pathfinder 1st

Corban Fowler

P40 Heat: Pedal To The Metal; Heat: Pedal To The Metal Current
540 Heat: Pedal To The Metal; Heat: Pedal To The Metal Current

Nicholas Fuller

706 Mountain of Reanimation; Pathfinder 2nd

Joe Gannon

322 Barbie and the Withering Curse; D&D 5e 2024
809 The Muppets Tropical Island Vacation; D&D 5e 2024

Francisco Garcia

232 Five Crowns; Five Crowns
741 Rival Restaurants; Rival Restaurants Kickstarter Deluxe

Jackson Gaydon

219 Kasedo Outpost; Avatar Legends

Nicholas Geier

P29 Deep Divine; Gnostisystem
416 Deep Divine; Gnostisystem

Jill Gelster

553 Cthulhu Wars - Yuggoth; Cthulhu Wars

Jim Gettman

614 FRUIT FORCE!; Hero (Champions) 5e

Leon C Glover III

703 Luck of the Irish!; Call of Cthulhu 7th

Danielle Goudeau

371 Royal Draconistrian Academy; Homebrew

Scott Grimberg

206 Mire's Edge; D&D 5e
517 Down comes a Blackbird; D&D 5e

David Guon

805 Shoals of Fire; Traveller Mega-Traveller

Greg Guth

P59 Kampfgruppe Peiper: Attack on Stavelot, Dec 18, 1944; Hail of Fire Mar-24
250 Kampfgruppe Peiper: Defense of Stavelot; Dec 18, 1944; Hail of Fire Mar-24
353 Kampfgruppe Peiper: Attack on the Stavelot Bridge, Dec 20, 1944; Hail of Fire Mar-24

Nathan A Hanner

200 Steamy Steamy Bang Bang!; GURPS 4th

Jared Hansen

P06 Arachne Genesis; Monster of the Week
602 Creature Feature; Monster of the Week

Scott Hansen

121 A Lonely Thread; Call of Cthulhu 7th
413 Bits & Pieces; Call of Cthulhu 7th
714 Aurora Blue; Call of Cthulhu 7th

Jesse Harder

804 Amnesia Town; City of Mist

Chris Harget

616 Horror Movie RPG: Villains Run; Home Brew for Light Weight One Shot Darkly Comic H 2nd

MeLinda Harvey

141 Villainous; Disney Villainous 1st
340 Villainous; Disney Villainous 1st

Matthew Hazen

P20 The Lost Mine; Pathfinder 1e
701 Dungeon X-treme; Pathfinder 1st
842 Sentinels of the Multiverse; Sentinels of the Multiverse 1st

Tom Henderson

P46 Talisman; Talisman, the Fantasy Quest Board Game 4th

Jeff Hiatt

551 The Bounty; Space Weirdos 1.1

Kevin Hobart

P03 Hit Me With Your Best One-Shot!; Fantasy AGE

Kourtney Hobart

P15 It's 10 P.M. Do You Know Where Your Kids Are?; Movie Night
405 Tokyo Slayers Club- Episode 4: The Day the Mochi Went Mad; Homebrew

Tod Hodes

622 All Aboard!; Starfinder 1st

John Holmes

516 Rainbow Mounds; Runequest Runequest Glorantha

Keith Holmes

259 Rally to the Yamato:2207; Star Blazers 2nd

Samuel Horton

506 Little Lost Ladies; Original D&D 2nd

Morgan Hua

511 Hope's Last Day; Alien RPG - Free League 1st
814 Hope's Last Day; Alien RPG - Free League 1st

William Huet

205 Scooby-Do vs…Cthulu?!?; Savage Worlds
317 Captured by Raiders!; Fallout the Role Playing Game

Alexander Hughes

609 Maximum Technodrive; D&D 5e (2014)

Mike Hutchinson

840 Battlestar Galactica: Darkness Before Daybreak; Battlestar Galactica 1st

Patrick Jacobsen

543 Diplomacy; Diplomacy

Kasi Jammeh

108 Press Start; Fabula Ultima 1st

Dan Curtis Johnson

P28 Hard Rock, Dark Moon II: Big Feet in Metal Shoes; Alien Free League
318 Clonies; Tales From the Loop Free League

Jonah Johnson

281 JailBreak!; Battlestations 2nd
401 Rescue Mission; Stellar Odyssey Star Trek: Original Serie

Jordan Johnson

559 Battletech: Alpha Strike Booster Draft Cube; Battletech 7th

John Jones

415 The Cavern of Cursed Tears; Pirate Borg
619 Enter the Dismal Armory; Wasteland Degerates

Steve Kani

618 Do Monsters Really Exist?; Cyberpunk 2020

Obi Kaufmann

P23 The Undoing of the Light; D&D 5e (2024)
303 Dragon War; D&D 5e (2024)

Michael M Kelly

P85 Chassons de Mardi Gras; Deadlands SWADE
409 Night Train; Deadlands SWADE

Joshua Kling

109 The Tower's Gambit; D&D

Christopher Knox

P55 The Return of Ymir; Dungeons & Dragons 2024

Wendy Komori Stager

DropIn Let's Go to Japan; Tokaido Hanabi Hanafuda
DropIn Let's Go to Japan; Tokaido Hanabi Hanafuda

Karl-Heinz Konrad

P12 The Dread Isle of Xen'Kong; D&D 5e
813 The Dread Isle of Xen'Kong; D&D 5e

Lucas Kotowski

704 The Mask of Many Faces; D&D 5e

Jason Krestoff

P21 The Last Voyage of the Warden; Starfinder 2 Playtest
220 The Last Voyage of the Warden; Starfinder 2 Playtest

Jefferson Krogh

P44 1867: Railways of Canada; 1867: Railways of Canada Grand Trunk Games
242 Cosmic Encounter; Cosmic Encounter FFG

Gennaro Kukonu

P18 A Night at the Opera; Cyberpunk Red

Jim Kundert

152 OGRE miniatures; 2nd

John Lantz

451 Star Wars: Second Battle of Gatalenta; That's What I'm Tarkin About (not Armada)

Bart Larrenaga

P42 Unconcious Mind; Unconcious Mind 1st
341 Ascendancy; Ascendancy 1st

Christopher Larson

P45 Thunder Road: Vendetta - Carnival of Chaos; Thunder Road: Vendetta Maximum Chrome

Joaquin X Lascano

226 Curse of Strahd; D&D 5e

Brett Lawson

301 Leaving New Vegas; Cyberpunk 2020 Red/2020 Hybrid

Bill Lee

112 Winter's Children; Cthulhu Dark

Jay Leone

841 Overtake: Race Manager; Overtake: Race Manager

Kevin Leung

P83 The Sablewood Messengers; Daggerheart Open Beta

Benjamin Y. Longman

P04 Dungeon Crawl Classics: Portal Under The Stars; Dungeon Crawl Classics
802 Dungeon Crawl Classics: Frozen in Time; Dungeon Crawl Classics

Ben Lopez

P22 Tales from the Walker Bar and Grill, Chapter 1; Feng Shui 1st

Reuben Lopez

P43 Resurgence; Resurgence 1st
140 Heat: Pedal To The Metal; Heat: Pedal To The Metal 1st

Curtis Lyon

218 Distress Call (Karnon Saga I); Black Star

Sarah Lyon

612 Medicine for Cleo; Year Zero Engine

Shannon Macnamara

546 Here I Stand; Here We Stand Anniversary

Cayden S Maletsky

212 They Might be Giants?; D&D 5e

Walter Manbeck

204 The Celestial Algorithm; Star Trek Adventures 2nd
500 Escape the lair of Professor Terror; Hero 6th

Andy Marshall

114 The Black Sword of Justice; The Black Hack 2nd

Chad Martens

450 The Battle of Tukayyid; Alpha Strike 7th
750 Wasteland Race; Car Wars 6th

Arthur Gonzalez Martin

808 Murder's Mark; Pathfinder 1st

Jason Martinez

210 Cosmic Kinetoscope; Trail of Cthulhu 2nd

Tom Mathews

P08 Dockside Dogs; Call of Cthulhu 7th

Nick Matyas

213 There are no Werewolves; Pathfinder 1e

Russell Mccloskey

644 Root; Root

Amy McClure Echeverri

471 No Scum and Villainy Here; GM Fiat

Jerry McCoy

508 A Strange Night at the Pint 'N Pony; Dungeon Crawl Classics
624 Dessicated Temple of Locha; Old School Essentials

David McCracken

400 Below the Rats of the Dale; Pathfinder 1st

Badger McInnes

P16 The Phantoms of Black Knife Ridge; Call of Cthulhu 7th ed.

Sam Messenger

111 Drake's Footprints; 7th Sea 1st

Andreas Metzger

555 Mission Z.O.R.E.; Car Wars 4th

Raymond Metzger

652 Trayzn's Tournament; Combat Patrol

Peter Michels

258 AWI Colonists push against the Brits with French help; Fist Full of Lead Bigger Battles
557 Battle of the Three Sisters - 1863 American Civil War (SBGC); Rank and File 1st

David Moody

263 Salamanca 1812; Napoleon's Battles 1 & 2nd

Zachary Morgan

113 Temporary Amnesia; End of the World Standard
502 Temporary Amnesia; End of the World Standard

Matt Morrison

104 Ark Against Time; D&D 5e (2024)

Antonio Morton

173 Cosmocracy Freedom Station; Yes, and… Improv

Ken Moscardini

404 The Infected fell of Nar Gamon; Shadowdark Current
523 The Spear of Lasanu; Shadowdark Current

Bryan Mosley

705 Lost Citadel of the Scarlet Minotaur; Shadowdark

Chris A Muoio

P27 Death Walks in the Open; Fantasy Age 2nd
514 Morality in Bronze; Mausritter

Melodie Murphy

145 Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition; Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition Definitive
342 Mansions of Madness; Mansions of Madness 2nd

Travis Murphy

P07 Mothership: The Haunting of Ypsilon 14; Mothership 1st

Onna Nelson

610 The Witchlight Carnival; D&D 5e (2014)
716 Candlekeep Mysteries: The Price of Beauty; D&D 5e (2024)

Geoffrey Nicholls

521 The Missing Noble; Pathfinder 1e

Ix Nichols

150 Ironclads off Egypt; Fleet of Samples
260 OGRE the Mountains; OGRE 6th

Michael J. O'Hara

241 Axis & Allies Global 1942; Axis & Allies 2nd
431 Illuminati; Illuminati 1983

Joe O'Neil

605 Fury Road: Across the Abyss; 13th Age

Harold Ogle

611 Abslom Daak Must Die!; Strontium Dog 2009 Rebellion/Mongoose

Lucia Ogle

P24 Mirror of Mystery; D&D 5e (2024)

Darin Owen


William Pace

103 Firefly: Finders Keepers, Losers Reavers; Universe: The Sci-Fi RPG 1st
211 Alien: Sabotage; Universe: The Sci-Fi RPG 1st
319 What's That Green Stuff?; Universe: The Sci-Fi RPG 1st

Rob Paul

272 Throne War; Amber Diceless

Zachary Paul

522 Find the Grain Peddler; Mouse Guard
815 Find the Grain Peddler; Mouse Guard

Andres Santiago Perez-Bergquist

411 The Beast of Resplendent Liquids; Exalted Cortex Prime

Sean Phelan

501 Deliver Us From Evil; Call of Cthulhu 7th

Charles Picard

117 X-men: Breakout; Marvel Heroic
410 Cthulhu Dark: The Cable; Cthulhu Dark
710 Cthulhu Dark: Screams of the Children; Cthulhu Dark

Jenna Pohlman

225 Trial and Error; D&D 5e 2024
DropIn The Hilltop Herd; D&D 5e 2024

Kristopher Pohlman

621 The Straight Bet; Scum and Villany

Whitney Lee Preston

202 Will the real Captain Sean O'Donahue please stand up? Mythos Trek; Basic Roleplaying classic

Arthur Prospero

407 The Fabulous Final Flight of the Beautiful Birdmen of Baharna; AD&D Special
615 Five Little Maids from Iga-Shu; Call of Cthulhu Special

Jim Puder

P01 The Way of Water; Hero (Champions) 5th

David Rakonitz

208 Saving Dr. Mensa; Hero (Champions) 4th

Joseph Ramirez

P41 Twilight Imperium 4th Ed. With Prophecy of Kings; Twilight Imperium 4th

David A Reed

142 World Wonders; World Wonders
442 Lost Ruins of Arnak; Lost Ruins of Arnak

Gabriel Relich

719 Arachnophobia; Original D&D 1991 Rules Cyclopedia

Patrick Riley

604 Whispers and Visions; Wildcard Roleplaying System Public Beta

Craig Robertson

355 Wings over Flanders; Wings of Glory
653 Gothas over Dover; Wings of Glory
851 Boney Goes to Sea; Sails of Glory

Wyndham Robertson III

P56 Battle for the Dwarrowelf; Lord of the rings Latest

Jeff Rogers

811 Your Adventure Awaits in the Red Dragon Inn; D&D 5e

Adrian Romero

101 The Crawl into the Place of the Thing; Shadowdark
216 The Crawl into the Place of the Thing; Shadowdark

Liz Ruifrok

P10 A Murder Most Foul; FATE Horror Toolkit
403 Repeat Customers; Die RPG

Mary J, Russell

DropIn Poo; Poo
DropIn Poo; Poo

Chris Rutkowsky

310 GI Joe: Animated Action Part 1: Devil in the Deep Blue Sea; BASH! Basic Action Super Heroes
406 GI Joe: Animated Action Part 2: Rally to the Flagg; BASH! Basic Action Super Heroes
623 Fallout: Route 66; Honor + Intrigue

Tristan Salazar

P19 Barrow of the Elf-Khan; Old School Essentials

Irene Salter

803 Fast & Furr-ious - Street Racing Racoons in San Francisco; Crash Pandas

Daniel Santellen

323 The Lightning Keep; D&D 5e

Don Satow

308 Defend Democracy; Hero 5/6

Wallace Schichnes

P26 Uncanny X-Men: Purifiers' Plot; Mutants & Masterminds 3rd

Mark Schynert

143 Progress & the Nation; Progress & the Nation Beta playtest
628 The Harrowing: Evacuation and No Quarter; Compleat Arduin Editor's Cut

Dennis Seiffert

P51 Swirly Thing Alert; Full Thrust 2nd Edition
552 Death to Capitalism; Giant Killer Robots

Dan Shimizu

144 The Quacks of Quedlinburg - 8 player!; The Quacks of Quedlinburg 1st
222 The Fermi Paradox; Dread 1st

Joseph Michael Silveira

223 Fist Full of Cotton; Homebrew Spaghetti Western

Liam Simon

312 The Hunt for the Lantern; Mists and Mischief Homebrew

Robert Simon

617 Into the Desolation; Shadow of the Demon Lord 1st

Michael Siverling

309 Buckaroo Banzai: The Only Reason for Time; Dare
600 Buckaroo Banzai: West Beyond the Darkness; Dare

Michael Skeen

246 Eldritch Horror: The Dreamlands; Eldritch Horror

Sam Slaughter

252 Revenge Duly Ordained: Gaslands Cthulhu; Gasland Refueled

Matt Smyers

P25 Plunder of the Sea Wolf; Shadowdark 1st
321 The Bullet Hit the Bone; James Bond 007 by Victory Games 1st

Chuck Staedler

P52 WWII Air Combat: Defending the Kamikaze; Sky's the Limit!
350 WWII Air Combat: Tussle Above Tunisia; Sky's the Limit!
681 WWII Air Combat: Attack on the Jean Bart; Sky's the Limit!

Pól Stafford

P02 Last Train Out; Old Gods of Appalachia original
505 A Question of Patronage; Rolemaster RMSS

Matt Steele

P11 Ghosts of Ironsaddle; Cypher System Deluxe
105 Best Leave Them Ghosts Alone; Cypher System Old Gods of Appalachia

Nick Stern

558 Crusades Castle Assault; Andy Callan/Peter Dennis Medieval Assault Rules

Chris Stone

607 A Murder of Crows; Blades in the Dark 1st

John Sullins

257 Treasure on Monster Island; Mantic-Armada Living rulebook

Connor Swim

573 LARP Double Feature; Paracelsus Games

Premium Tattoo

DropIn D & D Battle Arena; D&D 5e (2024)
DropIn D & D Battle Arena; 5e (2024)
DropIn D & D Battle Arena; 5e (2024)
DropIn D & D Battle Arena; 5e (2024)
DropIn D & D Battle Arena; 5e (2024)
DropIn D & D Battle Arena; 5e (2024)
DropIn D & D Battle Arena; 5e (2024)

Clay Tevebaugh

541 Twilight Imperium 4; Twilight Imperium 4th

Glenn S. Thain

300 Come Play STAR WARS!; Star Wars West End Games 1st

Becky Thomas

520 The Caged Bird Sings; Cyberpunk 2020 2nd

Colin Thompsons

181 To Touch the Face of God; Red Markets - Profit Systems 1st

Steven Thum

325 The Devil's Radio; Savage Worlds Adventure
526 Bedeviled; Savage Worlds Adventure

Zev Trubowitch

171 The Avalaon Protocol - A Running Dreams Production; L.A.R.P.S. System

Nick Uhlig

P84 Hunter/Killer; Call of Cthulhu 7th

Arthur Ulfeldt

807 Just-ICE Must Be Served!; Cyberpunk Red

Andrew Valbuena

640 Thunder Road Vendetta Maximum Chrome; Thunder Road Vendetta Maximum Chrome 2023
843 Steampunk Rally; Steampunk Rally 2015

Tom Vallejos

512 William Wallace versus the Klingons!; GURPS 4th

Kevin Van

P61 VBSS - Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure; Spectre Operations
354 Brown Water, Black Berets; Charlie Don't Surf 1E

Aer van de Water

119 Women are Werewolves; Women are Werewolves
571 Jewel Warriors; Freeform LARP

Andrew Walters

120 Escape From The Limestone Caverns; The Fantasy Trip Legacy

Charles Victor Walters

712 Me and My Shadow Mark IV; Paranoia 2014 Ultraviolet Edition

Alisha Walton

515 Endless Summer; Changeling: The Dreaming 2nd

Douglas E. Weed

P48 Communist Monopoly; Monopoly No Rolls Bard
542 Sheriff of Nottingham; Sheriff of Nottingham 1st

Bob Weidman

315 Twilight of the Thunder God; Pathfinder v1

Keith Weitzel

304 RothGars Resting Place; AD&D 1st

Emily Wells

244 Stardew Valley; Stardew Valley
343 Mechs vs. Minions; Mechs vs. Minions

Jay White

262 Battle of Seven Pines (Fair Oaks) 1862; Brigade Fire and Fury 1

Randall White

613 Vormestrand's Scroll; D&D 5e (2024)

Ace Willburn

641 Approach of Azathoth; Arkham Horror 3rd

Han Willburn

572 The Prophecy of the 3 Queens; Homebrew

Jon Wilson

123 Intro to Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG; Dungeon Crawl Classics There is Only One
408 Bride of the Black Manse; Dungeon Crawl Classics There is Only One

Jason Windham

581 Battle of Tukayyid - Clan Nova Cat vs ComStar; Battletech Total Warfare

Gregory Wong

554 Battle of Hoth- SBGC; Memoir '44 variant

Scott Woodard

P05 De-MING-netized!; SWADE SWAdE
214 Forsaken Vault of the Crimson Oracle; Dungeon Crawl Classics

Ammy Woodbury

172 Sabotage at the IAC; GM Fiat

Athena Woodbury

271 Trial of the Missing Student; GM Fiat

Johnathan Wright

402 Mecha Vs. Kaiju 202X; The 5th Engine, a Narrative Variant for 5e

Johnathon Wright

700 Mecha Vs Kaiju 202X; The 5th Engine

Adam Yee

718 Interns in the Dark; Forged in the Dark

Jeff Yin

352 The Star Ablaze; Battlefleet Gothic

Kevin Yin

742 The Napoleonic Wars; The Napoleonic Wars

Alex Zisch

P13 The Enterprise and the Tardis; FASA Star Trek & FASA Doctor Who 1980's
414 The Man with the Eye Finger; James Bond 007 Victory Games