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250 Kampfgruppe Peiper: Defense of Stavelot; Dec 18, 1944
Saturday 9 AM on Hall of Cities Table 5 for 6 HoursGM: Greg Guth
Type: Historical Miniatures
System: Hail of Fire
Edition: Mar-24
Players: 8
Provided: All miniatures provided by GM
Rules Knowledge: Useful
Game Content: Family
It is the morning of December 19th, 1944 and after pushing the US forces out of the center of Stavelot the Spitze of Kampfgruppe Pieper has pushed on to the west to attack the town of Stoumont, leaving behind a small rearguard to keep control of the Stavelot bridge in their rear. Meanwhile, 1st battalion of 117th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division (Old Hickory,) has just arrived at the northern outskirts of Stavelot with the mission to recapture the bridge at all costs.