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260 OGRE the Mountains
Saturday 10 AM on Hall of Cities Table 17 for 6 HoursGM: Ix Nichols
Type: Sci-Fi Miniatures
System: OGRE
Edition: 6th
Players: 8
Provided: All miniatures provided by GM
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Family
It's 2078, and tank battles include missiles, hovercraft, tactical nukes, infantry in environmentally sealed armored battlesuits, and autonomous AI tanks called OGREs. Today, as dawn breaks over the Pyrenees, Combine forces are launching an invasion into southern France. Depleted Paneuropean forces must slow the flood until reinforcements arrive; the Combine must establish a foothold so the conquest of Europe can continue. We'll play OGRE 6th edition with 1/300 sci fi miniatures on a big 3D hex map.