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Day: Any Day
Pilgrim's Journey
GM: Mary BeeneType: RPG
System: D&D
Edition: 5e
Players: 6
Provided: All characters provided by GM
Power Level: 4th-6th
Variations: More improv and storytelling, less into the weeds of rules
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Mainstream
An old friend needs your help guarding a caravan of pilgrims on their sacred journey. Your character (and you) may roll your eyes at their piety, but the peculiar accidents along the way seem too particular to be mere coincidence. And when travelers start disappearing? will you be next? Or are you actually a traitor in their midst? This mystery game has plenty of action and fighting, but more than its fair share of puzzling and role playing as well. It is based loosely on the DM?s recent pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago in Spain.