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DunDraCon War College

Monterey Room

Dana Lombardy’s 2025 War College spotlights Dana’s 50-plus year career as a historian, author, editor, and game designer. This year features new seminars by Grant Dalgliesh who, along with his father Tom, are Columbia Games.


War College Schedule


11:00 AM Alternate Histories with Ken Hite Dana Lombardy and Ken Hite
12:30 AM Lunch Break
2:00 PM   Meet Columbia Games, Award-winning RPG and Board Game Publisher Grant Dalgliesh


10:00 AM Update on the Continuing War in Ukraine Dana Lombardy
12:00 AM Lunch Break
1:30 PM   2 World War Two 80th Anniversaries Now As Wargames and New Illustrated Histories Dana Lombardy


Seminar Information

Alternate Histories with Ken Hite

Saturday 11:00 AM in the Monterey for 1.5 hours
Presenter(s): Dana Lombardy & Ken Hite
A very popular War College panel discussion restarts!

Authors and game designers Dana Lombardy and Ken Hite examine possible alternate histories and what their impact might have been. Audience participation is encouraged. FREE HAND OUT: a guide to sources for alternate histories will be provided to attendees.


Meet Columbia Games, Award-winning RPG and Board Game Publisher

Saturday 2:00 PM in the Monterey for 2 hours
Columbia Games makes its debut at DunDraCon! Learn how the Harn World RPG was created – now in hardcover format – as well as the legendary block wargame series that started with Quebec 1759 in 1972. Columbia’s newest block game Alliance, a multiplayer Napoleonic strategy game, will be showcased along with a FREE PDF and FREE game on Steam.

2 Special Offers for DunDraCon attendees from Columbia Games To claim both, send an email to: DDC2025@columbiagames.com

The legendary Hârn map is yours FREE in PDF along with other goodies.


Julius Caesar block game on Steam. You will receive a STEAM access code.


Update on the Continuing War in Ukraine

and a new series of History Seminars
Sunday 11:00 PM in the Monterey for 1 hours
Presenter(s): Dana Lombardy
Dana shares the latest information and recommended blogs and vlogs to stay current with the ongoing battles in the Russia-Ukraine War. BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: Dana is starting a series of monthly meetings with a variety of speakers on historical topics in the Club Room of the Oakland apartment building where he lives. Details will be provided in the handout.


2 World War Two 80th Anniversaries

Now as Wargames and New Illustrated Histories
Sunday 1:30 PM in the Monterey for 2 hours
Presenter(s): Dana Lombardy
2024 saw two 80th anniversaries of the decisive World War Two battles in Western Europe: the massive Allied invasion at Normandy, France called D-Day; and the largest land battle the U.S, Army fought known as the Battle of the Bulge. Dana worked with acclaimed artist Keith Rocco to publish a comic and hardcover book based upon the two huge wall murals Rocco created for the First Division Museum. Hear the backstory of the murals and the books, PLUS check out the latest solitaire and 2-player board games in development: Bloody Omaha: The Big Red One at D-Day and One-Page Bulge second edition that Dana did with fellow Hall of Fame designer Steve Jackson.



Kenneth Hite

Kenneth Hite has been a special guest at DunDraCon for many years, speaking about city building and villains and evil overlords for role-playing, what’s new at Pelgrane Press, and what’s currently “cool” in gaming. He is an award-winning writer and RPG designer with extensive books on the Cthulhu mythos, GURPS Infinite Worlds, Night’s Black Agents, and The Nazi Occult among his many published works. Ken and Dana will explore alternate histories.


Dana Lombardy

Dana Lombardy began his game design career in 1972 when he started Simulations Design Corporation (SDC) in San Diego while he was still in college. He has worked on board games, card games, role-playing supplements, magazines, books, battlefield guides, videos, and educational exhibits. These hundreds of projects all required collaboration with other designers, historians, and artists. Dana will show his most recent games currently under development: Bloody Omaha – The Big Red One on D-Day and an augmented second edition of One-Page Bulge with fellow Hall of Fame designer Steve Jackson.


Grant Dalgliesh

Grant Dalgliesh and his father Tom are Columbia Games, fixtures in the game industry for more than 50 years. Grant has been making games most of his life and is excited to attend DunDraCon for the first time. He will share fascinating details and the backstory about Columbia Games' HârnWorld RPG setting, now in hardcover format, and the block wargame series, especially the new Alliance multiplayer Napoleonic wargame and 50th anniversary edition of Columbia’s first block wargame Quebec 1759. Look for Grant in the War College schedule and around the show.