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DDC 48
Date and Hours of Operation
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Harassment Policy

List of Events
Games Registration
Games Registration Results
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Event Errata
Index by Game System
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DDC Game Policies
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Session Zero

Special Events
Protospiel at DDC
Larry Ditillio Game Library
Kid's Room
War College
Fighting Demonstrations
Figure Painting
Pathfinder Society
Open Gaming  

Buy and Sell
Dealers at DunDraCon
DDC Merchandise
Sell your stuff at our Sunday Auction
Sell your old games at the Monday Bazaar
Dump your old games on the Freecycle Table
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Requested Games
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Blood Drive

DunDraCon 48

February 14-17 2025
Santa Clara Marriott
Santa Clara, Ca.

Hours of Operation

Convention Registration California Ballroom Registration Desk

Friday 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Saturday 9:30 AM - 8:00 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Pre-Reg badge pick-up for regular attendees (i.e. not GMs, Sr. Volunteers, or Seminar Leaders) will be at Con Reg in the California Ballroom lobby when it's open.

Pre-Reg badge pick-up for GMs, Sr. Volunteers, and Seminar Leaders will be at the Information Table, available all day on Friday and as long as practical on Saturday (after which all Pre-Reg will move to Con Reg).

Note - If Reg is closed when you arrive and you're scheduled to get into a game, don't worry; just go to your game and pick up your badge as soon as you can. The GM will have your name and member number.

Dealers Room California Ballroom Salon 5 & 6

Friday ~Noon - 4:30 PM Dealer Setup only
Friday 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Open for Sales
Saturday 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM for Setup only
Saturday 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Monday 9:30 AM - Noon

Information Table/Crew Central California Ballroom Salon 1

Friday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Monday 8:00 AM - Noon

Crew may check in or sign up anytime the area is open.

Pre-Reg badge pick up for GMs, Senior Volunteers, Seminar Leaders, will be available all day on Friday and as long as practical on Saturday (after which all Pre-Reg will move to Con Reg in the lobby). If you have pre-registered and gotten into an early morning game but haven't yet picked up your badge, go to the game anyway. The GM will have your name. Pick up your badge as soon as you can afterwards.

Games Registration You may submit your choices electronically via our Games Reg page.
If you have an electronic Priority, you can use out Priority Reg page.
Electronic Game registration for each session ends at the same time as paper registration.

If you don't have access to the internet, There are kiosks available, or you can drop off Game Reg slips as long as the Information Table is open. The following times are when the last slips for each period will be collected.

Game Reg times and session colors:
Session P Electronic pre-reg only. Ends at 5:00 PM Thursday
Session 1 ends at 4:30 PM Friday. Slip is SALMON
Session 2 ends at 8:00 PM Friday. Slip is PINK
Session 3 ends at 10:30 AM Saturday. Slip is BLUE
Session 4 ends at 4:30 PM Saturday. Slip is GOLD
Session 5 ends at 8:00 PM Saturday. Slip is GREEN
Session 6 ends at 10:30 AM Sunday. Slip is LILAC
Session 7 ends at 4:30 PM Sunday. Slip is YELLOW
Session 8 ends at 4:30 PM Sunday. Slip is WHITE
Games Results Posting Session P Results: ETA Thursday 7:00 PM
Session 1 Results: ETA Friday 5:30 PM
Session 2 Results: ETA Friday 9:00 PM
Session 3 Results: ETA Saturday 11:30 AM
Session 4 Results: ETA Saturday 5:30 PM
Session 5 Results: ETA Saturday 9:00 PM
Session 6 Results: ETA Sunday 11:30 AM
Session 7 Results: ETA Sunday 5:30 PM
Session 8 Results: ETA Sunday 7:30 PM
Protospiel California Ballroom Salon 4

Friday to Monday, with Opening Ceremony at 9:30 AM Saturday
Prize Raffles – Saturday & Sunday at 4:30 PM

Bazaar Grand Ballroom A-D

Set-up: Monday 8:30 AM
Entrance of the Buyers: Monday 9:00 AM

Auction Intake of items:
Saturday, 6:00-8:00 PM, in Room 131
Sunday, 8:00 AM in Salon A

Auction Begins Grand Ballroom A
Sunday 10:00 AM

Kids Room Seattle

Friday 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Game Library California Ballroom Salon 7

Friday: 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Saturday: 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Sunday: 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Monday: 11:00 AM-Noon Returns only, no new borrowing

Figure Painting California Ballroom Salon 2

Figure Painting
Friday: 1:00 PM–10:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM–10:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM–10:00 PM
Monday: 10:00 AM–1:00 PM

Painting Contest Voting
Saturday: 5:00 PM–6:15 PM
Sunday: 5:00 PM–6:15 PM

Award Ceremonies
Saturday: 7:00 PM
Sunday: 7:00 PM

Flying Hands Massage

Saturday 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Sunday 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Monday 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM