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DDC 48
Date and Hours of Operation
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RPG Tips
Harassment Policy

List of Events
Games Registration
Games Registration Results
Games Registration
Event Errata
Index by Game System
Index by Game Master
Current Program Book
Parental Advisory
DDC Game Policies
Safety Tools
Session Zero

Special Events
Protospiel at DDC
Larry Ditillio Game Library
Kid's Room
War College
Fighting Demonstrations
Figure Painting
Pathfinder Society
Open Gaming  

Buy and Sell
Dealers at DunDraCon
DDC Merchandise
Sell your stuff at our Sunday Auction
Sell your old games at the Monday Bazaar
Dump your old games on the Freecycle Table
Help Out!
Cover DunDraCon for your Paper, Blog or Podcast
Unofficial Gaming
Request a Game
Requested Games
Reserve a Miniatures Table
Open Gaming  
Help a friend
Ride/Room Share
Blood Drive

Miniatures Game Submission Tips


Historical games cover mostly realistic conflicts from the far past to the near future.
Fantasy games cover traditional fantasy, with magic and monsters.
Sci-Fi games are those in the far future or alternate realities with Technology instead of Magic, and Aliens instead of Monsters.
Mixed-Genre games are games that don't fit the other categories (Zombies, Weird War II, SteamPunk, et. al.).

Use your best guess at the type of game, and feel free to ask if you have questions about where a game would fit. The scheduler reserves the right to change the game's genre category based on the description, game system, or other considerations.


Miniatures games are normally scheduled in a salon or at one of the Hall tables. If you have special needs for room assignment, be sure to fill in the Additional Information for the Scheduler field in the form below. Set-up and take-down time is not included in the game length; we will schedule set-up and break-down times around your game, as you indicate on the form. Please arrive on time to set up your game - players will be arriving ready to play at the time the game is scheduled. Please be prompt when breaking down your game, as you may be followed by another gamemaster on the same table or in the same room.

Players and Game Length:

Games should last between 4 and 12 hours, with up to one hour of set-up time beforehand as well, if requested. Tear-down time should be figured into game length. Games longer than 12 hours will not be scheduled. Games should be for at least 5 players.

GM Benefits:

GMs will receive a complimentary membership for the entire convention, plus a a priority game registration, when they run a game with a minimum of 20 player hours and a minimum of 5 players. This does not apply to game product demos. 30 player hours was last year’s standard, but has been reduced consistent with requirements for other types of games.

Assistant GMs:

Requests for Assistant GM compensation are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Because of the disproportionate effort often required to present a miniatures game, our assessment is often more liberal than for other types of games.

Things to be aware of when making your game request

The first games start on Friday at noon. Don't ask for an earlier start time, it won't happen.

The last game ends on Monday at 4pm. Don't request a 10- or 12-hour game on Monday!

Please read our Game Policies before submitting a game. We accept submissions only via this website, or an e-mail with the necessary information attached or incorporated in the body of the e- mail. We no longer accept submissions via U.S. Mail, as we need a working e-mail address to communicate with all our prospective GMs.