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DDC 48
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DunDraCon Auction

Room 131

Intake items, Bid cards, and Lot tickets: Saturday 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
contact Head Auctioneer for earlier drop-off

Grand Ballroom Salon A

Intake items, Bid cards, and Lot tickets: Sunday 8:00 AM
Auction begins: Sunday 10:00 AM

Looking for the perfect game to fit that space on your game shelf? Have a dusty collectible game that no longer “sparks joy” for you but will thrill others? Then come to the DDC Auction by AuctionMania! on Sunday in the Grand Ballroom Salon A. First gavel is at 10 AM!

To sell items in the auction, purchase lot tags from AuctionMania! staff at the convention on Saturday; 6 PM in Salon A, or contact our Head Auctioneer in advance to purchase lot tags ahead of time. A lot is whatever you decide it should be. It could be one game, or a set. It doesn’t even necessarily have to be a game, but please make every effort to only enter gaming related items for sale. Lot tags are $2.00 each.

Please note that AuctionMania! reserves the right to refuse to accept certain items, especially if they are of dubious legality. There is a maximum number of 350 lots we can accept based on the time allowed. Refused lots will have their lot tag cost refunded.

We will be able to accept submitted lots starting Thursday afternoon by arrangement with the Head Auctioneer and will store them in a secure location until the day of the Auction.

In order to bid on games you will need to purchase a bid card for $2.00 from AuctionMania! Staff. If you expect to purchase a large number of games we can set up a “tab” for you. Tabs require a refundable $100.00 deposit. No additional costs such as commissions or fees are involved.

All transactions are cash only.

See you at the Auction!