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DDC 48
Date and Hours of Operation
Hotel Information
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Helpful Hints
RPG Tips
Harassment Policy

List of Events
Games Registration
Games Registration Results
Games Registration
Event Errata
Index by Game System
Index by Game Master
Current Program Book
Parental Advisory
DDC Game Policies
Safety Tools
Session Zero

Special Events
Protospiel at DDC
Larry Ditillio Game Library
Kid's Room
War College
Fighting Demonstrations
Figure Painting
Pathfinder Society
Open Gaming  

Buy and Sell
Dealers at DunDraCon
DDC Merchandise
Sell your stuff at our Sunday Auction
Sell your old games at the Monday Bazaar
Dump your old games on the Freecycle Table
Help Out!
Cover DunDraCon for your Paper, Blog or Podcast
Unofficial Gaming
Request a Game
Requested Games
Reserve a Miniatures Table
Open Gaming  
Help a friend
Ride/Room Share
Blood Drive

Dealers Room

California Ballroom Salons 5 & 6

Friday 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Saturday 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Monday 9:30 AM - Noon

8Bit Bytes
Journals, plush, jewelry, mugs, and steins
Email: Tamara.golia@gmail.com

Amelia Pen Draws
Character art prints for fantasy, stickers, buttons and children's books


Black Diamond Games
Black Diamond Game is a full spectrum, hobby game store in Concord, California. Open for 17 years, they sell all your hobby game needs along with a two story Game Center for events.
Email: gray@blackdiamondgames.com

Bob Goolsby Designs
Handmade designed and crafted jewelry.
Email: bob.goolsby@gmail.com


All your Dice, figure cases & gaming mat needs.

Crit for a Cause
Handmade Dice & unique Fantasy Themed Goods that support charity!

Darkfire Treasure
Game books, T-Shirts, & Foam weapons for your LARPing needs.
Email: jacobdarkfire87@gmail.com

Electi Studio LLC
Miniature gaming rules Hobgoblin, Bloody Hollow, Eternal-15mm, and Seraphim & Sanctuary and the miniatures for Arsenal.


Flying Hands Massage
Massage where you need it, when you need it most,Massage at your home, company or event. Proudly serving the Silicon Valley since 1991.
Email: Ray@flyinghandsmassage.com


Games of Berkeley
Games of Berkeley has been pretty darn swell since it opened in 1980, providing tabletop gaming products and experiences to the Bay Area ever since. Our tremendous stock of dice, board games, wargames, dice, RPGs, dice, TCGs, miniatures, dice, and also dice -- along with disc golf, novelty gifts, t-shirts, plush toys, and more -- ensures that Games of Berkeley has something for everyone.
Email: buyer@gamesofberkeley.com


Gamescape San Francisco
A Bay-area game store selling painting supplies and board games.


Goodman Games
Goodman Games has put the experience in your roleplaying adventures for over 20 years! We publish the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG — the game with the funky dice — and associated product lines, such as Xcrawl Classics and Mutant Crawl Classics. We also publish adventures for 5th Edition including the deluxe versions of Dark Tower & the forthcoming Caverns of Thracia. There's also our all-new sword-and-sorcery fiction magazine, and much, much more!
Email: jon@goodman-games.com

Pet portraits, original art, and 3D printed resin art pieces.


Mega Negi
Vinyl decals for cars, laptops, etc.

Anime, video game Acrylic Keychains, Prints, Buttons, Coloring Pages for all ages.


Night Owl Workshop
New old-school Roleplaying Games, Fantastic Books, Fantasy Art, and Tabletop Games. Makers of Warriors of the Red Planet, Guardians, Dungeoneer, and Murder of Crows.


Steampunk, Fantasy, Gothic, Sci-fi, & Just Plain Weird: Octopunx creates Mix and Match Goggles, Jewelry, and other accessories for the dapper geek.
Email: ddrasteampunk@gmail.com

Quest and Chaos, LLC
RPG Accessories and Merchandise from across their podcasts and channel.


Sandwich Bag Games
Publisher of the card game, ‘Gosh Darn Bubbles!’.
Email: sandwiches@sandwichbaggames.com

Save vs. Death Ray
Save Vs. Death Ray is a wholesale liquidation company that specializes in selling deeply discounted games at conventions across the United States.

The Pouch of the Platypus
Enamel Pins, Plushies, Stickers and gaming related items.

Thornhill Gaming
Handmade TTRPG accessories and gaming related gifts; dice trays, tote bags, bath bombs, etc.


Three Dog Quest
Representing Indie Press Revolution. Roleplaying games, Kickstarter Edition Games, game accessories.
Email: threedogquestllc@gmail.com

Wonder Lost Creations
Hand crafted leather gaming accessories.; beverage holders, dice cups, card holders, etc.