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DDC 48
Date and Hours of Operation
Hotel Information
Restaurant Menus

Helpful Hints
RPG Tips
Harassment Policy

List of Events
Games Registration
Games Registration Results
Games Registration
Event Errata
Index by Game System
Index by Game Master
Current Program Book
Parental Advisory
DDC Game Policies
Safety Tools
Session Zero

Special Events
Protospiel at DDC
Larry Ditillio Game Library
Kid's Room
War College
Fighting Demonstrations
Figure Painting
Pathfinder Society
Open Gaming  

Buy and Sell
Dealers at DunDraCon
DDC Merchandise
Sell your stuff at our Sunday Auction
Sell your old games at the Monday Bazaar
Dump your old games on the Freecycle Table
Help Out!
Cover DunDraCon for your Paper, Blog or Podcast
Unofficial Gaming
Request a Game
Requested Games
Reserve a Miniatures Table
Open Gaming  
Help a friend
Ride/Room Share
Blood Drive

A Note to Parents and Guardians:

DunDraCon is happy to have kids of all ages in attendance at our conventions, and we try to provide events and attractions that will appeal to a wide range of ages. We also encourage safety for kids and everyone else, which is why we have a number of rules and recommendations we hope everyone will follow (see our program booklet or our Tips Page.) Children are expected to follow the rules of DunDraCon just as adults are, and are subject to the same penalties and restrictions if they do not.

One way parents and guardians can assure that minors in their charge will be as safe as possible at the convention is to make sure an emergency contact number is included for every child who registers with us. If any problem arises, it helps us and the hotel to have a way to contact you right away. Those of you in attendance at the convention can leave room numbers, but a cell phone number is better, and both is best of all. If you are not physically at the convention, please try to provide alternative contact numbers (home, business, cell) as appropriate. It's a good idea for adult members to provide this information as well, in the unlikely event that an accident or health crisis gives us need to contact a relative or other person of interest.

We rate most of our events for content in order that parents, children and other attendees will have some idea of what they can expect in a given game, and can choose events most appropriate to their enjoyment and comfort. See our game content standards.

DunDraCon has neither the authority nor the resources to supervise the kids in attendance at our convention. While we are not baby-sitters, we do want to assist parents in every way we can as they make the most appropriate decisions regarding their childrens' presence at the convention. Know your child's capacity to operate autonomously and make decisions with that in mind.

Please contact any member of our staff if you need assistance at any time regarding your children (or for any other con-related matter). Above all else, we want to help you and yours have the best possible convention, and will do whatever we can to make that happen.

In-Tow Badges: If you need to bring any nongaming children to the convention, you can get "In-Tow" badges for them for $5.00 each. See In-Tow Badges and Convention Privileges for details, including the way to upgrade such badges to ones allowing general participation.

Children who are full members (not In-Tows) are welcome in scheduled games outside the Kids' Room, though they and their parents should observe the DunDraCon Game Policies. Children are given preference for seating in events specifically designated as Kids' games.

Note: “Child” is a term that includes all attendees under the age of 18, but GMs who have designed a walk-up kids' game for a specific age group may further limit the age definition, and their decisions are final.