Applying for dealer tables does not ensure acceptance by DunDraCon. Our primary desire is to offer a wide variety of games and game supplies for our convention members and our space is limited. Early application can help, but table reservations are not solely on a first-come, first-serve basis. Chosen dealers will be notified the first week of January, and all tables must be paid for in January. Tables may become available at the end of the month if anyone withdraws from the dealers' room.
Please note that we have tables both against the wall and in the center of the room. You can request tables in a particular location, but that may reduce your chances of participation in DunDraCon.
The acquisition of a dealer space gives the dealer the right to use the space (approximately 6 feet x 6 feet) and reasonable wall space (if any) behind that space. Because of the actual size of the Dealer room, the convention cannot guarantee a strict 6 feet x 6 feet space for every space. Especially on the corner slots of the central island, some overlap of behind table space is necessary. As a compensation of sorts, we will endeavor to make sure only the prime spots (facing the doors, first stop for entering gamers) will have this overlap.
In general, any space in the Dealer Room to which a convention attendee has access must have a mean diameter of 6 feet and an easy path to the fire exit. Aisles between rows of spaces will be about 6 feet wide. Use this information when planning for your displays.
The local fire marshal has ultimate authority over the possible configuration of the spaces.
We can supply electricity at any table if it is required. Other communication and A/V services are available, but may require additional charges.
The Dealer Liaison or another member of the committee will normally be present in the room each day at around 8:30 a.m. and dealers may enter at that time. Saturday and Sunday morning there will be coffee, tea, juice, and rolls of various sorts provided for consumption by the dealers.