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DDC 48
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Kid's Room
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Figure Painting
Pathfinder Society
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Kid's Room Activities


Friday 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

TThe Kids Room is a place where youthful exuberance can find an outlet within the confines of the Convention. We strive to create a safe and engaging space where children of all ages can come together and play. Each child must have a Convention Badge, either as a gamer or an In-Tow.

We have plenty of games available for folks to choose from (but the games must stay in the Kids Room since it is a private collection, not owned by the Con). You are always welcome to bring your own game(s) to the room, and there will be scheduled games and other activities planned throughout the weekend. Anyone of any age is welcome in the room, but be prepared to play games with our youngest gamers!

Parents, your pre-teen children are welcome in the Kids Room, but we want to remind you that the Kids Room is not a babysitting service, and we will not take responsibility for overseeing your child while you are gaming elsewhere. Children under the age of 6 must be accompanied by an adult at all times. We have a sign-in/sign-out policy for any child who is staying in the Kids Room without an adult. When your child first comes to the Kids Room, they must be accompanied by a responsible adult to sign them in and provide contact information where we can reach you during the Con. Children who are signed-in will not be allowed to leave until they are signed-out and accompanied by an authorized adult.

The Kids Room staff will take them to the bathroom and get water when needed. We will contact you if there are any questions or problems. It is expected that you will provide adequate food and rest for your child throughout the Con, since a lack of either can make them cranky and unmanageable and we want everyone to have a pleasant time at the convention.

Children in the Kids Room are still expected to follow the rules of the Con and are subject to the same penalties and restrictions as any adult. They should be wearing their Convention badge whenever they are in the Kids Room.

All games and events are walk-up games, so no need to sign up for them, just show up. All ages are welcome, but preference will be given to our younger players.

Other kid-friendly games can be found outside of the Kids Room hours in the regular gaming areas.

We have the following events back this year

Figure Painting Lessons – Saturday 11:30am-1pm and Sunday 12pm-2pm. Come learn painting techniques from one of our painting gurus. All supplies are provided, including figures to practice on.

Monster Smash – Saturday 3pm-5pm and Sunday 2pm-4pm, 8 players max. All ages are welcome, but preference will be given to our younger players.

Legos will make their appearance again this year. We will have a whole table dedicated to Lego building.

As always we will have coloring and drawing, with prizes awarded each day at 5:30. Each winner will be able to pick which prize they wish.

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Family Events

Scheduled Drop-In Games in the Kids’ Room

All these games are walk-up games. No need to sign up, just show up!

Kid's room Events 

Drop-In Hero Kids - Enter the Plushi-Verse

Drop-in game; no registration necessary
Saturday 10 AM in Seattle for 4 Hours
GM: Wiliam Dash
Type: RPG
System: Hero Kids
Players: 5
Provided: All characters provided by GM
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Family

You wake up in a strange place. Where am I, and why do I feel?soft and fluffy? You and a small group of strangers have been transported to a world where everyone is a plushie. But that doesn?t mean they play nice. If you ever want to see your homeworld again, you?ll need to join forces and complete a quest. Plushi-Verse is a GM-written adventure based on the Hero Kids system that I ran last year. Hero Kids is an RPG designed specifically for players aged 6-11. The GM will provide all characters and materials. Simple play mechanics are weighted towards players having a good time. NO ONE DIES. Players will make straightforward choices during play. Prizes and treasure as always!
Website: /www.heroforgegames.com/hero-kids/

Drop-In Lost and Found

Drop-in game; no registration necessary
Saturday 11 AM in Seattle for 4 Hours
GM: Adi Elkin
Type: RPG
System: Magical Kitties Save The Day!
Players: 5
Provided: Characters created for game
Power Level: Purrfect!
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Family

Something strange is happening in the small town of Ravencrest. One by one, children are disappearing, yet no one seems to notice... or if they do, they're pretending not to. But you see it. You, a ragtag band of scruffy stray cats with secret magical powers, hidden from the eyes of humans. You're the only ones who know something in town is wrong. And you just might be the only ones who can stop it and save the day!

Drop-In Poo

Drop-in game; no registration necessary
Saturday 2 PM in Seattle for 3 Hours
GM: Mary J, Russell
Type: Card
System: Poo
Players: 4
Provided: All materials provided by GM
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Family

Its been a rough night in the zoo, and something was not right in the food. It does not matter who started it but take like it like a monkey and throw Poo. The cleanest Monkey wins !!!!!!

Drop-In Kids Game Day

Drop-in game; no registration necessary
Sunday 10 AM in Seattle for 6 Hours
GM: Wiliam Dash
Type: Other
System: various
Players: 4
Provided: All materials provided by GM
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Family

Ten fun and easy games for young players. Last year?s favorites plus some new ones. Prizes for winners! No sign-ups required. Come on by Kids Room and lets play!

Drop-In Shizarky

Drop-in game; no registration necessary
Sunday 10 AM in Seattle for 4 Hours
GM: Scott Flowers
Type: RPG
System: AD&D
Players: 8
Provided: Characters may be provided by GM
Variations: House Rules
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Family

What times are these that even the youngest apprentices must abandon their training and join what few experienced adventurers who remain to face unknown dangers & confront the hordes of monsters now threatening the world Shizarky is a simplified adaptation of AD&D for experienced role-players who want to introduce their pre-teen family members to fantasy roleplaying. It emphasizes conversational interactive storytelling over strict rules to engage young adventurers? imaginations. Gameplay is kept fast and lithe by the GM to keep the momentum going. Rules can be (and are) scaled upwards as the youngest players become ready for more advanced concepts (e.g. as they learn necessary real- world skills such as arithmetic). Stats are simplified, as is the magic system. This is a simplified game of optimized to engage pre-teens & their family members of any age. Players are introduced to established D&D lore, characters, monsters, items, places, incorporating the Dungeons & Dragons Young Adventurer?s Guides Series ,
Website: /www.penguinrandomhouse.com/series/EJB/dungeons-and-dragons-young-adventurers-guides/

Drop-In Poo

Drop-in game; no registration necessary
Sunday 1 PM in Seattle for 3 Hours
GM: Mary J, Russell
Type: Card
System: Poo
Players: 4
Provided: All materials provided by GM
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Family

Its been a rough night in the zoo, and something was not right in the food. It does not matter who started it but take like it like a monkey and throw Poo. The cleanest Monkey wins !!!!!!

Drop-In The Hilltop Herd

Drop-in game; no registration necessary
Sunday 2 PM in Seattle for 4 Hours
GM: Jenna Pohlman
Type: RPG
System: D&D
Edition: 5e 2024
Players: 5
Provided: All characters provided by GM
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Mainstream

My flock of sheep have run amok and escaped the safety of their paddock! It is vital that they are found and returned to safety as they are liable to get into trouble if they are left to roam unattended. I would do this task myself, but am injured and can not make the trip. Will you aid me, adventurers?