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Bay Area Pathfinder Society

Pathfinder Society Organized Play

Prospector Room

Warhorn Electronic Game Signups

The Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild is a worldwide fantasy roleplaying campaign that puts you in the role of an agent of the Pathfinder Society, a legendary league of explorers, archaeologists, and adventurers dedicated to discovering and chronicling the greatest mysteries and wonders of an ancient world beset by magic and evil. Every member shares one common dream: to contribute to the Pathfinder Chronicles, printed editions of secret lore coveted by the Society wherein only the most impressive finds and bravest exploits of the Pathfinders are immortalized.

The campaign’s home base is sprawling Absalom, the so-called City at the Center of the World, that stands astride the great Inner Sea on the mountain-capped Isle of Kortos. A Pathfinder’s adventures explore the dark alleys and political intrigue of Absalom between far-flung travels to the most interesting and exotic locales in the world of the Pathfinder Role-playing Game.

In Pathfinder Society Organized Play, you play a member of the Pathfinder Society, seeking fortune and glory all over the face of Golarion. At the same time, your character works for one of the competing factions tied to the society, each with its own motivations and agendas.

Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild is a constantly evolving mega-campaign played by thousands of players and the adventures you experience are shared by players around the world. Play is organized into Seasons, throughout which the actions and achievements of you and your fellow Pathfinders create an ongoing storyline. Each season consists of many Pathfinder Society scenarios (short, 4-hour adventures) set in a variety of exotic locations across Golarion or its future galactic expansion.

Parallel to the Pathfinder setting is Starfinder. Set in the distant future of the pathfinder setting, this space-fantasy game features explorers modeling their organization on the pathfinders of old; seeking adventure throughout the galaxy. The first edition of Starfinder is approaching its grand finale, so come by while you can!

To learn more about Pathfinder Society or to join us for an adventure you’ll never forget, find us in the Prospector Room any time this weekend. Sign-ups for available slots in every scenario will begin 1 hour in advance, at 8:00 AM, 1:00 PM, and 6:00 PM every day. Seats will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, though some have been filled through pre-registration.tr>

Most games are a single 4-hour slot, but we will also have some shorter games (Quests & Bounties) throughout the weekend, and the full-day module Rusthenge. Some games are linked together – while each game can stand alone, together they form a continuous plot line. These cover the saga of Envar Tam, the hunt for Rasheen’s Riches, and society leader Waterfall’s mysterious plan. Games are either Starfinder 1st edition or Pathfinder 2nd edition, save for the single 1st edition game, The Ironbound Schism.

Pathfinder Special Events:

Fate in the Future

The Pathfinder Society dispatches its best agents when it receives word from the Woodsedge Lodge of a mysterious anomaly in the magical pathway known as the Maze of the Open Road. Travelling through the maze, the agents find themselves a world away from home. Only by learning the source of the anomaly can the Pathfinder Society hope to regain full use of one of its most important tools for transportation. However, a secret that spans an unfathomable amount of time rests at the heart of the dangerous expedition. This will be a huge event for up to 48 players, Levels 1-8. Join the battle Saturday, Feb 15 at 7pm.

Pathfinder Society Scenarios

Starfinder Society Scenarios

Introductory Scenarios Introductory Scenarios
#6-01: Intro: Year of Immortal Influence (T1-4) #6-01: Intro: Year of Fortune’s Fall (T1-4)
Misc Quests & Bounties #7-01: Intro: Year of Era’s End (T1-4)
Low Tier Scenarios Low Tier Scenarios
#5-04: Equal Exchanges – Necessary Introductions (T1-4) #1-03: Yesteryear’s Truth (T1-4)
#6-02: Rain Falls on the Mountain of Sea & Sky (T1-4) #1-07: The Solar Sortie (T1-4)
#6-05: Silver Bark, Golden Blades (T1-4) #4-02: Settling Accounts (T1-4)
#6-08: Upon Wheels and Rime (T1-4) #6-14: The Missing (T1-4)
Mid Tier Scenarios #7-06: Archives of Eternity (T1-4)
#5-14: Poisonous Council (T3-6) Mid Tier Scenarios
#6-04: An Enkindled Carnival (T3-6) #1-21: Yesteryear’s Sorrow (T3-6)
#6-06: Rotten Apples (T3-6) #5-12: Envar’s Expeditions (T3-6)
#5-09: Equal Exchanges - Skymetal Hoard (T5-8) #6-12: Yesteryear’s Hope (T3-6)
#6-03: Godsrain in a Godless Land (T5-8) #7-02: Zo! Vs. Zo (T3-6)
#6-10: Once in Whispers (T5-8) #7-08: Envar’s Awesome Rescue (T3-6)
High Tier Scenarios #1-35: Rasheen’s Riches (T5-8)
#4-11: Prisoners of the Electric Castle (T7-10) #2-22: Rasheen’s Reception (T5-8)
#5-06: Ukuja, the First Wall (T7-10) #7-04: Inheritors of Gadrather (T5-8)
#5-11: Equal Exchanges – The Hidden Current (T7-10) #7-07: Submerged Stars (T5-8)
#6-07: A God Falls where Magic Fails (T7-10) #7-11: Breaking the Crucible (T5-8)
#6-11: The Godsrain and the Dragon (T7-10) High Tier Scenarios
#5-18: Equal Exchanges – Tapestry of the Mind (T9-12) #4-14: Rasheen’s Remembrance (T7-10)
#6-09: The Power of Legends (T9-12) #6-16: Dawning Fate (T7-10)
Specials #7-03: Aucturn Asunder (T7-10)
#3-99: Fate in the Future (T1-8) #7-10: Rasheen’s Requiem (T7-10)
Modules #6-10: The Death of Kortus IV (T9-12)
Rusthenge (Starts at level 1, runs all day) #7-09: Clutches of the Vault Lord (T9-12)
The Great Toy Heist (Level 2 Poppets) #6-15: Extraction from Azlanti Space (T11-14)
Fistful of Flowers (Level 3 Leshies)
A Few Flowers More (Level 4 Leshies)

The full schedule can be found on the Warhorn site, where players and GMs can sign up ahead of time. Remaining slots will be available for signup at the PFS/SFS desk during the con.