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Death Walks in the Open

GM: Chris A Muoio
Type: RPG
System: Fantasy Age
Edition: 2
Players: 8
Provided: Characters created for game
Power Level: 8
Variations: Minor
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Mainstream

Welcome to Brabent, a town embroiled in conspiracy, curses and a band of elven mercenaries intent on causing all manner of trouble to their own ends. A ghostly form stalks the streets and someone of somethings eyes watch from the wooded murky bog beyond the town. As adventures heading home you were just seeking a short rest in a quaint, quiet town. Now you are at the center of all these happenings as their future and yours cascade together in a cacophony of adventurous secrets, mayhem, treasures and combats that will become another great story to be told by peasants and bards for many years to come. Set in the Steampunk Fantasy world of AIO where swordsman, barbarian hordes and gunslingers clash for control of politics, magic and adventure beyond belief.