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471 No Scum and Villainy Here
Saturday 6 PM in Salon B/C for 6 HoursGM Troupe: Scruffy Nerdherders (GM: Amy McClure Echeverri)
Type: LARP
System: GM Fiat
Players: 25
LARP Experience: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Mature Themes
Genre: Noir Science Fiction
Costume Suggestions: Encouraged, Characters are on Tattoine
Here on the edge of the Empire, where scum and villainy have free rein, comes a new family of spice traders. Will they be able to break the Hutt's hold on the trade? Set against Imperial interests, rebellion, and smugglers, come rumors of a farmboy blasting his way to freedom. Maybe even the denizens of this hole can find a path to new hope. Watching Star Wars: A New Hope before the game is recommended, but there will be plenty of people happy to fill you in if you need it. As always, costuming is encouraged, but your costume doesn’t guarantee you a particular character.