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Day: Any Day
GM: Gabriel RelichType: RPG
System: Original D&D
Edition: 1991 Rules Cyclopedia
Players: 7
Provided: All characters provided by GM
Power Level: 1st
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Mainstream
The 1991 Rules Cyclopedia is often considered to be the most-complete 1-book D&D, summarizing all the rules from the Basic Expert, Companion and Master sets and featuring rules on everything from starting monsters to army-level warfare and domain management. In this scenario, a dark spider cult has taken over a Monastery of the Light and its up to your level 1 characters (and maybe a few Goblin henchmen) to save them. Pre-gens available and newbies to old school D&D welcome!
Website: /muckraker.itch.io/dundracon-rules-cyclopedia