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DDC 48
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Event Search Results

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Children of the Moon

GM: Glenn S. Thain
Type: RPG
System: Star Wars Saga Edition
Players: 7
Provided: Characters created for game
Variations: Some house rules
Rules Knowledge: Useful
Game Content: Mainstream

In 44BBY, shadows across the known galaxy are deepening. Late in the Stark Hyperspace War In the system called Asmeru, military forces loyal to the Stark cause are engaging loyalists who have fought over the last year for liberation. They manage to seize the last of the royal Asneru line, hoping they can achieve victory. But, loyalist forces decide to rescue the Princess Aslonda, using a tactic the enemy might not rxpect. Will they succeed in their bold maneuver or will the resistance be crushed, dooming the Asmeruites to everlasting servitude and slavery? What will be the eventual outcome? Will the rebels survive or be elominated when the headsman's axe falls?